How Niche Businesses Quietly Unlock Massive Growth Potential
This post explores how niche businesses can achieve significant growth by focusing on a specific area of expertise.
Interactions within the Web3 space have broken boundaries in almost every facet of life.
Interactions within the Web3 space have broken boundaries in almost every facet of life. So much so that the Metaverse may soon become one with the Realverse.
Within this mixed reality are numerous technology ecosystems - everyday cryptocurrency wallets, gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality, and more - each requiring different access credentials and identities with unique identifiers.
In the Web3 space, decentralized identifiers rule, from wallet addresses to email addresses and a lot more. It’s like having too many keys for your car – to open each door separately, to start the car, to stop the car, and to open the trunk. It creates problems.
Keeping track of multiple, separate identifiers can leave you vulnerable to abuse. Fraudsters are on the lookout for your data, and a single hijacking incident can leave you vulnerable to loss of privacy, harm to your reputation, and if access credentials are involved, loss of your digital assets.
Then there is the issue of function. A particular wallet used for one purpose could easily be mistaken for another. Confusing identifiers could lead to using them for entirely different functions than their original intent.
As in the real world, having a single, secure "container" or backpack for your many Web3 identifiers could simplify access while protecting you from fraud or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) theft.
Disco, a service that enables the creation of single-contained verifiable credentials for decentralized identifiers, asserts that the DID Communication Protocol (DIDComm) allows two DIDs to open a secure channel between the two and send messages back and forth.
This protocol enables the verifiable credential, which is more like a boarding pass to different services, to communicate with any number of identifiers a person may have in order to access multiple services from one DID.
Disco is a decentralized identifiers management company that allows users to access multiple services, products, and blockchains within the Web3 space from a single sign-on.
The exciting part about this service is it could go beyond Web3 into other spheres.
Secure access to medical records based on biometric data within verified credentials (in the future) is one such possibility.
Secure residential access is another.
Other real-world applications could include email access, access to your academic records, and social engagement. With the right governance, it could even extend to behavioral interactions with the law.
The Metaverse has created outliers where interactions with other ecosystems (metaverses, blockchain smart contracts, DApps, etc.) are becoming a reality. Separate identities for every component in every ecosystem tie users down to a specific context. Disco and other companies like it are creating a framework for the future of interactions with enhanced realities.
Disco currently stores credentials on the Ceramic network, purported to be a decentralized, secure, and censorship-resistant network. Plans are in the pipeline for storage on other platforms as well.
Access to Disco, for now, is limited to the metamask browser extension; but according to Disco, other options will be available in the future.
It should come as no surprise that the real world and the Metaverse are becoming more intertwined than ever before. As the Metaverse brings new experiences, interactions, and realities to the real world and they’re accepted by the mainstream as the new normal, we may be on the cusp of the next major boon.
Having a singular approach to engaging the realverse and metaverse provides a window for a blending of the two worlds, with a single, secure identity at its crux.
Platforms like Disco are set to make them happen.