How Niche Businesses Quietly Unlock Massive Growth Potential
This post explores how niche businesses can achieve significant growth by focusing on a specific area of expertise.
Sadly, there’s no guarantee that your Security Token Offering (STO) will be successful. However...
Sadly, there’s no guarantee that your Security Token Offering (STO) will be successful. However, there are multiple things you can do to enhance your STO’s chances, and that’s what we’re here to discuss. At SmartBlocks, our bet is Security Tokens will be the next big evolutionary step in the cryptocurrency space. Their aim is to be fully compliant with the law, thus eliminating regulatory risks and providing investor guarantees in one fell swoop.
Needless-to-say, Security Tokens present an interesting challenge when it comes to marketing and advertising. Your targets fall into two distinct buckets: highly technical cryptocurrency enthusiasts and high-net-worth individuals and institutions who have a deep financial background.
Two very different groups. The former are against traditional advertising, with a severe case of banner blindness. The latter group lives in an ivory tower and are difficult to reach via traditional media or the Internet.
Also, take into account that your Security Token project needs a community of people who believe in the project and want it to succeed. Traditional advertising tend to attract those pesky traders and people looking to make a quick dollar on the next big token.
How do you show your crypto audience that your Security Token solves a real-world problem and/or is backed by an asset that’s actually valuable? How do you convince institutional investors that your blockchain-based asset is easily tradable and the marketplace works as advertised 24/7? And how do you even get your Security Token project in front of all of them?
Our mission is to help you reduce the cost of acquiring investors for your STO, be it institutions or retail investors. To accomplish it, we’ve put together a ten-item checklist that also serves as a list of highly effective ways to promote your Security Token Offering.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
The fastest and worst way to raise awareness is to blindly throw marketing dollars at your Security Token Offering. Think marketing 101, and recognize that STOs are not exempt from its foundational principles.
Focus first on your target audience - what motivates them to make a purchase decision, whom they engage most when making those decisions, and where they do so. Remember that cryptocurrency enthusiasts are early adopters by definition. Traditional investors, on the other hand, tend to be conservative and extremely cautious. Your goal is to reach potential investors, sure, but also to create a free-flowing community of people who believe in the project backing your Security Token Offering.
Our experience shows your best shot is developing a multi-phase marketing approach in partnership with the people who influence your prospective buyers’ decision making. And build a funnel designed to move buyers along each stage of the buyer’s journey – from awareness to consideration, and from consideration to decision-making.
With the buyers’ journey firmly in mind, set your goals and stick with them. That makes measuring ROI easier and clearer as you execute on marketing campaigns. We’ll provide campaign examples, including some of the promotions Smartblocks is creating with trusted crypto influencers, in a future article. For now, let’s consider where marketing fits into your overall go-to-market strategy.
That leads us to the project’s website. Consider it your business card and the face of the project. It will host your whitepaper and FAQ, the heart of your communications, but it’s much more. Everything matters, and your home page should convey unequivocally how your Security Token Offering is trustworthy and revolutionary.
Believe it or not, the ultra rich surf the Internet just like us. They might go to different, exclusive sites from time to time, but they’re present in the open Internet. How could they not? It’s a low-effort, low-risk way to know what’s going on. Plus, they don’t see themselves as different from the everyday man. Still, there are ways to attract them, and Forbes here offers the first tip, “As a marketer, you want to reach HNWIs where they are and give them value for the time they spend engaging with your brand.”
Here are some others:
Also, remember that if they’re considering investing in crypto projects, that probably means they’re crypto people too.
The obvious hole in this article is cryptocurrency exchanges. For all of the other crypto projects, getting listed on the major ones is paramount. For Security Tokens, however, the game is a little different. These kinds of projects don’t require everyone and their mothers to be aware of the STO in question. Security Tokens play a more specific game with qualified investors in which big exchanges are not as important.
If you have the ability or the contacts to get a listing, though, don’t hesitate. That’s an advertisable major accomplishment right there. That leads us to publishing, publicizing, and spreading every major accomplishment. Your team is working hard and deserves praise, but every piece of news is also spreading awareness about the project.
On that note, a stealthy technique to spread the word about your Security Token project are bug bounties. Offer white hat hackers a sizable sum of money to find errors and bugs in your code, and the news will travel far and wide. There’s also a chance that they will find one and save everyone money and headaches. It’s a win-win situation however you look at it.
Last but not least, bear in mind that STOs might be too cutting-edge for most marketing agencies to have cultivated a specialty. Fortunately, ICOs were once incredibly popular, and several agencies acquired a lot of experience marketing them. Since the process is similar, there’s no shame in hiring an ICO-specific marketing agency to handle your needs. They might just be exactly what you’re looking for.